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Financial Freedom
Starts Here

It'sĀ NEVERĀ too late.

You may be closer than you think.


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Want to grow your wealth by investing in the stock market?

I'll show you how to build a profitable portfolio and pave the way to your first $1,000/month in just 30 minutes a day

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Reviews from:

Feeling stuck financially, even if you love your work?

Dream of financial freedom to design your ideal life, like traveling more or pursuing passions?

Learning to trade and invest in financial markets can be an avenue to achieve that, but it requires the right approach.

We believe financial freedom shouldn't be a privilege for the few.

It should be an attainable goal for anyone with the drive and dedication to learn.

That's why we empower curious individuals with a strong work ethic, discipline, and emotional control to navigate marketsĀ with confidence.

Our program makes gaining expertise easier through proven processes, equipping you with the skills and knowledge to build a secure future, on your terms.

Financial freedom is more than just money. It's about creating a beautiful life.

With the time and resources it provides, I could finally fulfill my lifelong dream of stepping foot on the shores of Africa. I can dedicate myself to traveling the world, experiencing new cultures, and creating without financial constraints.

This is the power of financial freedom, and it's what we want to help you achieve.

Here's how we do it:

  • Educational Resources: We offer a wealth of knowledge in-depth courses, live bi-weekly coaching, and challenges aimed at empowering you to make informed decisions and enhance your results.
  • Community Support: Join a community of like-minded individuals who are on the same financial journey. Share your experiences, ask questions, and find inspiration from others who have walked this path.
  • Practical Tools: Access easy-to-use financial tools and calculators to help you plan, budget, and invest with confidence.

With Me Priori, you can start your journey to financial empowerment.

Stop worrying about your financial future and instead focus on building the life you've always dreamed of.

Take our free quiz to discover your next step towards generating consistent income streams and achieving financial freedom.

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Actionable Strategies

Our online courses, live sessions and in-person retreats provide actionable strategies and step-by-step guidance to help you achieve financial independence on your own terms

Expert Resources

Access a wealth of expert resources, including curated articles, book recommendations, and educational videos, to help you deepen your financial knowledge and skills.

Supportive Community

Join a supportive community of like-minded individuals who are also striving towards financial independence. Share ideas, ask questions, and get inspired.

Free Time Investor: Master Your Money, Own Your Time

Empowering Savvy Independent Women to Trade with Confidence and Grow Wealth in Just 30 Minutes/Day

Are you tired of saving diligently, only to see your money sit stagnant and not grow? Do you secretly wish you could unlock the power of the stock market, but feel embarrassed that you don't know where to start? I understand, and I'm here to help.


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From Healing to Investing: My Journey to Becoming a Free Time Investor

Hi, I'm Elisha Lowe, a seasoned investor with over two decades of experience in the stock market. Throughout my journey, I've explored numerous investment strategies, experiencing both successes and setbacks. Along my journey, I've delved into the world of stock options trading, adding another layer of expertise to my portfolio in the last five years.

Through trial and error, I've gained valuable insights and discovered methods that consistently deliver strong results. Today, I'm excited to share my knowledge and empower others to achieve financial success through strategic investing and stock options trading.

More than two decades ago, I embarked on a fulfilling journey as a registered nurse, passionately caring for patients in intensive care units (ICUs). 

As my career evolved, I transitioned from bedside nursing to the dynamic world of healthcare business, where I honed my expertise in medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and the groundbreaking field of diagnostics like blood-based liquid biopsy tests. 

Drawing on my expertise in healthcare and entrepreneurial spirit, I founded a specialty home care agency focused on individuals recovering from plastic surgery. Our unique approach to aftercare helped to achieve faster recoveries and significantly reduced complications, making a tangible difference in patients' lives. 

During this period, as I navigated my role as a business owner and engaged with diverse mastermind circles, including serving as President, I witnessed the power of building relationships and honing my leadership skills. 


Amidst these experiences, a realization dawned on me - the significance of personal finance and the immense potential for wealth creating through stock market trading. Recognizing the financial challenges many of us faced in keeping our businesses afloat, I decided to act. 

I began hosting intimate dinners at my apartment, bringing together a group of ambitious women who, like me, were balancing full-time work and entrepreneurial pursuits. I called the dinner group, Women and Money, after the latest Suze Orman book. Together we shared our dreams, visions, and set goals. 


During this time, I expanded my skill set by delving into stock options trading, which became an integral part of my financial toolkit. With the guidance of a mentor, I experienced a breakthrough moment when I achieved my first $6k week - a transformative milestone that shifted my perspective on what was possible and opened my eyes to new opportunities in the world of finance. 

Years ago, I took a picture standing against a wall in my home. The words that adorned it read: "The secret to having it all is... knowing you already do." This simple yet profound reminder sparked a shift within me. 


With clarity on what I wanted to create in my life, I began to speak it into existence and focused my attention on my goals. Miraculously, the puzzle pieces started falling into place. 


I made the decision to invest in training courses and sought out mentors who aligned with my vision, and soon enough, I started experiencing months where I could replace the income from my job. 

Through my journey from a healthcare career to becoming a Free Time Investor, I've liberated myself from the constraints of trading time for dollars and found a path where I take charge of my finances and truly own my time. 

Cheers to your success! 

Elisha Lowe RN, BSN, MBA 


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What Clients Say

Karise Crew Owner, That Gun Talk

I never knew about, understood or even blinked at the stock market, besides the name Bill Gates. However I wanted to learn and grow my finances with a small amount of money and with Elishaā€™s guidance and education, I made 8k from a 1k investment in less than 3 months.

Antwoine Little, MBA

Elisha is fantastic at demystifying the stock market. She takes the time to make sure you fully understand the concepts by using analogies that are relatable.Ā  Whether you're new to investing or somewhat experienced and would like to take it to the next level, Elisha is the one that will help you accomplish your goals.

Eric Carrasquillo

My biggest return yet, came from playing your tips. I almost tripled my investments in only 3 months! Definitely gave me breathing room when financial times were hard. Thank you Elisha!

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Me Priori is not a financial advisor and the information provided on our site or around our programs Free Time Investor and Stock Market Landlord is for informational purposes only. We encourage all users to seek professional financial advice before making any investment decisions. Our goal is to empower financially independent women to confidently invest in the stock market so they can secure their financial freedom for the long-term.